About us
Our mission
Unity Through Arts and Culture Inc. (UTAC) strives to improve the lives of underprivileged and vulnerable populations by harnessing the popularity of the Arts to accomplish projects that serve and strengthen the community. We facilitate artistic and cultural events and exchanges that encourage unity through human culture to fund projects that improve society in a variety of ways such as environmental remediation, water purification, permaculture food security, educational programs, occupational training, public health and safety. Through our common love for the Arts, we empower individuals and groups to make positive impacts on our society.
Our Team of Sponsors and Volunteers is Dedicated to Improving Lives Through:
Water Purification
Food Security
Public Health and Safety
Environmental Remediation
Educational Programs
Occupational Programs
Meet the team
Sam Burke
Sam Burke is a wilderness EMT and Certified Hypnotherapist living off grid in rural New Mexico. Sam spends most of his time with his 4 kids, and still manages to find time to play accordion and go bow hunting. Sam Burke also publishes under the pen name Knearl Znapps’s. Sam is a world traveler and humanitarian. Sam is the founder and President of UTAC Inc.

Farhod mamatkhanov
Farhod Mamatkhanov has been a part of UTAC from the beginning. Farhod studied Mandarin Chinese with Sam Burke in Xi’An China in 2008. Ten years after studying together, Farhod hosted Sam at his home in Osh, Kygystan. It was there that they developed the idea to use wrestling, a sport that is popular in Central Asia to create opportunities for athletes to train and study abroad. Farhod is also a father of four.
Photo from left to right: Sam Burke, Farhod Mamatkhanov.

Lauren Salazar
Lauren Salazar is a 14th generation New Mexican from Tome. She is a flight nurse serving rural New Mexico and Southern Colorado. As a Co-Founder of UTAC she strives to empower women and girls from marginalized communities.

David and Brendan Harris
The Harris family has been a friend to the Burke family over 50 years. David supports Arts and Culture by volunteering legal services to several non-profits and the Immigration Helpline.
Brendan is Managing Partner and his practice is concentrated in Family Law. he is a Juvenile Justice expert and former Wilderness Camp Counselor. Brendan can be reached at HarrisLawCenter.com.
Photo from left to right; Jose Velez, David Harris, Brendan Harris.

Baudilio "Jose" Velez
Jose works the ER as a Physician’s Assistant. He is a student of Martial Arts and a fierce advocate for under-resourced communities.